Friday, March 7
Clementine Sutter ’25 and Jenny Zhao ’25
I dreaded the Wellness Workshop. Freezing, I waited for the car to heat up before I begrudgingly drove to campus, and sincerely asked myself what...
Sonia Ivancic ’25, Sophie Cheng ’24, Aki Li ’25, Jenny Zhao ’25, Sydney Wang ’25, and Charles Potter ’25
At Lawrenceville, putting math classes into a Harkness format is like forcing a square peg into a round hole. Over the past three years, I have tried to work at...
“Don’t let politics ruin your relationships. One of the truest signs of maturity is the ability to disagree with someone while still remaining respectful.” - 2024 Instagram post from likely...
In the heart of Pop Hall, Lawrenceville's Language Department stands as a cornerstone of the School’s academic excellence. In modern language courses, students gain cultural fluency alongside linguistic competence, but...
On Tuesday night, former President Donald Trump became President-Elect. By choosing Donald Trump as president of the United States, voters set our democracy on a perilous path. As editors, we...
Lawrenceville’s most dangerous malady is apathy: as explained in our October 11 editorial, indifference spreads from student to student like a bitter, insidious disease. A Lawrentian’s most important obligation is...
Gastronomy has the power to interlink cultures from around the world, fulfilling a greater purpose as a social lubricant. Food is not just a source of nourishment; it can express...
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your...
Junior year demands a lot from Lawrentians: Classes approach college-level rigor; students assume leadership roles in preparation for senior year; and, realistically, balance the constant cycle of athletic events, homework,...
Gen Z—a generation of environmentalists, individualists, and breakers of the status quo—seem to have succumbed to the very expectations they rail against. While the “Gen Z” that pervades the American...
The vast majority of the V Form lives to the west of Pop and Memorial Halls, separated from the rest of campus. However, the Circle and the Crescent are the...
I squinted at my computer’s clock: 10:45 PM. The Kirby common room sat empty and silent except for a new writer and myself, reviewing the Board’s extensive edits on her...
I was lucky enough to edit the senior reflections published in this week’s issue; after many conversations and late nights of writing, these V Formers present you, dear reader, with...
Discussing the role of grades in our education system and their importance in our overall life seems rather unnecessary and futile at first glance, as...
Immediately following ChatGPT’s 2022 release, the usage of generative A.I. skyrocketed worldwide. Generative A.I. became the ultimate shortcut: huge chunks of text shot out at...
On its website and Discovery Day pamphlets, Lawrenceville proudly displays its guiding mantra: “House, Harkness, Heart.” For the most part, we put this motto into...
Lawrentians—international, local, and everything in between—come from all walks of life, each deciding to give up their unique home and community to attend the School. In doing so, many of...
While Sir Walter Raleigh was once renowned as a colonial statesman, soldier, writer, and explorer; by 1618, he found himself condemned as a criminal by...
The final two presidential candidates emerged from the dark of the stage into the white, fluorescent lights and hastened quickly to their chairs. Hailing from...
In a small tower in southern France, Michel de Montaigne signs his name in the corner of a paper with a flourish, finishing the first...
All authentic Editors-in-Chief start out as humble writers (who are, after all, at the heart of The Lawrence). But after being seasoned with experience, braised in passion, and topped with...
After nearly a century and half of weekly publication, the 143rd Board has unanimously voted to dissolve The Lawrence. The decision has been made after...
Almost 20 weeks have passed since Head of School Stephen Murray H ’54 ’55 ’63 ’65 ’16 P ’16 ’22 delivered his Convocation address “On...
Coming to Lawrenceville means leaving existing support systems for a School that promises to replace that familiarity with something better: a diverse community of equally...
Dear Reader, You have probably passed by The Lawrence’s office at least once, peered through the door to read the quotes hanging on the wall,...
Even after 135 years of Hill and Lawrenceville competition, The Hill School has yet to learn that clacking spoons will not automatically enhance their athletic...
Last November, the 142nd Board of The Lawrence published, “On Bringing Civics to the Classroom,” advocating to integrate civic education into the Lawrenceville academic curriculum....
This past weekend, parents from all over the world visited Lawrenceville to get a glimpse of their children’s day-to-day life. Parents were welcomed on campus...
In the past year, Lawrenceville has seen its fair share of changes in regards to academic life. Some were relatively minor changes, such as reducing...
Imagine an hourglass, the sand inside fine and delicate. Now, envision turning the glass over and watching the grains funnel from one end to the...
If you were on campus last Thursday, September 14, you were likely at the annual Club Night. Spanning multiple floors of Mem, Pop, and GCAD,...
On a Tuesday in March, year 1229, students from the University of Paris entered a tavern in the quarter of Saint Marcel. After some rowdy...
This past week, Head of School Stephen Murray H’54 ’55 ’65 ’16 P’16 ’21 swore in a new generation of Lawrentians at the annual Convocation...
In Greek mythology, Achilles is depicted as the peerless hero of the Trojan War. Countless legends recount his apparent invincibility; having been dipped into the river Styx as an infant...
Homework: everyone’s favorite aspect of Lawrenceville student life. By this point in the academic year, every student has become accustomed to the grind of pushing through three to four subjects...
The blossoming of flowers and the arrival of warm, sunny days mark not just the start of spring but of the long-awaited election season, in which a number of admirable...
Lawrenceville's first batch of female students was admitted in 1987, bringing an end to the 177-year-old all-male legacy and transitioning the School into the co-ed environment it is today. Hooray!...
Generative AI: It shows up everywhere. From the endless pits of the YouTube recommended page to notifications from The New York Times, there always seems to be something trending about...
In last Thursday’s first presidential forum, ten IV Formers aspiring to lead our student body faced a gargantuan question: “How would you define our campus culture? How might you work...
A popular existentialist parable describes life as a road trip down a muddy path. As your car traverses down the road, it kicks up mud that flies every which way....
With the commencement of Turkey Term, the Lawrenceville community spirals into a concoction of stressed furor and holiday spirit. New classes and co-curricular activities begin while campus comes to life...
With Homecoming just weeks away, we students brace ourselves for an inundation of Instagram-worthy Homecoming proposals (colloquially known as Hocoprosals). From puns on poster boards to elaborate fruit loop arrangements,...
1. Surviving (Read: Thriving) When I was younger, my parents always told me to “find a job that makes enough money that allows you to do what you love.”...
The sun beat down vigorously, the day so hot you could almost see waves of heat radiating from the ground. We had already been en route to our campsite for...
Last week was the Mid-Autumn Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival, or as I’ve called it my entire life, 中秋节, is a Chinese holiday that brings families together under the fullest moon of...
Iris Wu ’23 and Andrew Boanoh ’23
1. The humble beginnings of a sourdough loaf: the sourdough starter. Initially, the starter is nothing but a glob of flour and water in a jar. Yet, as these ingredients...
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