Faculty Tribute - Alison Easterling

Zachary Pyskaty ’24 in Features | May 28, 2023

Ms. Easterling has dedicated herself to Lawrenceville ever since she arrived in 2005. Serving as a history teacher and the current Dean of Academics and Head of History Department, Ms. Easterling has built close relationships with her students and has been an integral member of the community.
For me, Ms. Easterling has been much more than the Dean of Academics. (As a boarding student,) the bond I have formed with Ms. Easterling is one of the most important relationships I have made at Lawrenceville. Though away from home at Lawrenceville, Ms. Easterling has served as a parental figure for me—whether helping me with time management or just talking about life, she has been my role model. Since my III Form year, I spent hours with Ms. Easterling each night she was on duty in the Cleve House. During that time, we discussed all that was happening in school and life. Through our conversations, Ms. Easterling’s genuine, never-ending love and care for all members of our community became evident.
Ms. Easterling dedicates herself to providing Lawrentians with the best academic and social experience possible at Lawrenceville. She has always supported me through thick and thin. Whether inviting House members to her home to make cookies, taking our advisory group out for pre-finals breakfasts, or taking us to play mini-golf, Ms. Easterling dedicates herself to members of this community beyond the required amount. Her dedication to her job and students is a quality I hold with the utmost respect and admiration.
In times of hardship, Ms. Easterling was always there for us. She came to Cleve on late nights, even when off duty, to comfort us when we needed it most. Whether you needed a hug, some advice, or just needed some ice cream, we could count on her.
Ms. Easterling has worked so hard to receive a new opportunity as Head of Upper School at the Noble and Greenough School, and I know that she will find great success in this new chapter of her life. I wish her the best of luck, and will never forget her all her years of dedication and love. Ms. Easterling, you are my role model, and I wish you nothing but the very best.