Hallway Rules at The Lawrenceville School

Mira Ponnambalam ’26 in Features | December 8, 2023

Lawrenceville can be quite difficult to navigate. Not academically. Not socially. Literally. Walking from class to class presents a set of challenges that every Lawrentian must pass before graduating. Never fear! Here’s how to survive these moments:

Rule #1
Nearly every boarding student has somehow misplaced or broken their fob in their time at Lawrenceville. If it hasn’t happened yet, it will. So what do you do when you don’t have  your fob but need to go to class? Simple. acquire a responsible day student friend who has a fob. Then, drag them from building to building at your convenience. Who cares if they get some tardies? Dean of Students Blake Eldridge ‘96 H’78 ’12 P’25 says everyone needs to get at least one detention before graduating, anyway. 

Rule #2
Everyone knows you must hold the door for the person behind you, no matter the weather, how late it will make you, or how far away they are. It’s unbecoming of a Lawrentian to let others take the time to press their phones to the fob reader and go through the effort of opening the door themselves. If you can see someone clearly coming in the same direction, you hold the door. The problem is that sometimes other people also have to hold the door for you, and it’s also unbecoming of a Lawrentian to make someone wait for you. You could run like your life depends on it, but that’s just so basic. Instead, embrace spontaneity, avoid the interaction, and fake going for a different door. Never let anyone know your next move. 

Rule #3
While only Vth Form Day Students and faculty members can drive on campus, we all experience a little road rage when a group of people is walking way too slowly in front of us. Picture it: you’re briskly walking your way to class so you can sit in your unassigned assigned seat before someone else does. Suddenly, you’re slowed by a group of students walking at a leisurely pace. First of all, how dare they enjoy themselves? Second, what do you do? Easy. Speed walk around them as fast as you can to assert your dominance (and get some exercise). 

Rule #4
Sometimes, though, you’re the one walking too slow. You see your friend ahead of you and want to approach them. The problem is you can’t seem to close the divide. You’re just too slow. You can’t run or yell for them without attracting too much attention. You have two options at this moment. You can call them to tell them you see them in the creepiest voice you can muster, OR you can just learn to teleport. What, like it’s hard?

Rule #5
Walking across campus with friends is a staple of the Lawrenceville experience. You can complain, tell stories, and have fun during your treks from place to place. Sometimes, though, you use a little… colorful… language and realize in horror that your English teacher is walking right behind you. React quickly, and you’ll be fine. Loudly tell your friend to watch their language, and hope the teacher doesn’t realize it was you. Friends are just dead weight, anyway.

Rule #6
Have you ever contemplated whether or not it’s weird to say hi to someone? Maybe you’ve made awkward eye contact with someone you only know loosely, who used to be in one of your classes or even a complete stranger. It’s not weird. Say hi! Nod, smile, wave, talk, whatever. Just don’t say their name. That way, if they don’t respond, you can just pretend you were talking to someone behind them. Add their name to your list of sworn enemies, and move on. 

All jokes aside, just do your best to be nice and considerate! Appropriate hallway etiquette just requires that you acknowledge and respect the people around you, not that you turn into a time-traveling, traitorous track star.